Reports and papers

Fair Trade Curaçao: van inzet naar impact
Report commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Development of Curaçao

Huizenbezit blijft fiscaal aantrekkelijk ondanks afbouwregelingen
Publication in ESB

Beleidsevaluatie Protocollen Aruba-Nederland
Report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Beleidsevaluatie Rijkswet financieel toezicht
Report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Beleidsevaluatie Schuldsanering
Report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Arbeidsmarkt en Sociale zekerheid Curaçao
Report commissioned by the Country Curaçao and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment
Sub-reports: 1 (Current system and bottlenecks), 2 (Contours of new system), 3 (Financial effects), 4 (Feasibility and Implementation) and 5 (Integration proposals for labor market and social security)

Economische impact van het Nederlandse scheepsregister
Report commissioned by the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners

Economische impact van het Curaçaose scheepsregister
Report commissioned by the Royal Association of Netherlands Shipowners

Digitale Infrastructuur Caribisch Nederland
Report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy

Nederlandse markt voor vertaaldiensten
Report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Justice and Security

Labor and Social Security in Sint Maarten
Report commissioned by Country Sint Maarten, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

Social Security in Sint Maarten
Report commissioned by Country Sint Maarten, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Labor Market Sint Maarten
Report commissioned by Country Sint Maarten, the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

Bekostiging kinderopvang Caribisch Nederland
Report commissioned the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

Sociaal minimum in economisch perspectief
Report commissioned the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

Nederlanders werken niet weinig, maar verdelen uren ongelijk
Publication in ESB

Caribbean Investment Climate Index 2023
Published in The Daily Herald,, and Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties, among others.

Vacation home rentals and carrying capacity
Report commissioned by Country Aruba

Groeibriljant van de regio
Publication in Bon Bini Magazine (p. 22)

Arbeidsmarkt en Sociale Zekerheid Aruba: Hervormingsvoorstellen Landspakket E1 en E4
Report commissioned by Country Aruba and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

Modernisering en versterking socialezekerheidsstelsel Aruba (Landspakket E.4.2)
Report commissioned by Country Aruba and the Dutch Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment

Subsidiebeleid Aruba: Knelpunten, aanbevelingen en implementatie
Report commissioned by Country Aruba and the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Spurring entrepreneurship in Sint Maarten: State of play, policy options and implementation
Report commissioned by the Ministry of Tourism, Economic Affairs, Transport and Telecommunications (Sint Maarten) and the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Caribbean Investment Climate Index 2022: investeringsklimaat Aruba en Curaçao blijft aantrekkelijk ondanks zware impact COVID-19
Published in Antilliaans Dagblad and Dossier Koninkrijksrelaties

Ondernemings- en investeringsklimaat Aruba
Report commissioned by Country Aruba and the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Appendices: A (in report), B, C1, C2, C3, C4

Environmental Externalities of Secondhand Markets—Based on a Dutch Auctioning Company
Publication in Sustainability

Nieuwe index meet investeringsklimaat in de Caribische regio
Publication in ESB

BES-fonds: ontwikkeling, verbetering en coördinatie
Report commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

COVID-19 treft Caribische deel Koninkrijk hard
Publication in ESB

Kleine eilanden, grote uitdagingen
Report commissioned by the Committee for Kingdom Relations of the Dutch House of Representatives

Health Market Inquiry
Report commissioned by the South African Competition Commission