Recommendations made for social security reforms in Curaçao

Published by Economisch Bureau Amsterdam on

Amsterdam Bureau for Economics, in collaboration with De Beleidsonderzoekers, SEO Amsterdam Economics and IndigoBlue, has made recommendations for social security reforms in Curaçao.

The research emphasizes the need for a strengthened social security system that provides an adequate social safety net with the right incentives, while remaining financially and socially feasible and sustainable. The proposed priority program focuses on the collective interest of Curaçao and strives for a balanced approach that safeguards the interests of both employees and employers in the long term.

Important concrete reforms proposed in the research reports include the increase of social assistance, the introduction of unemployment insurance, extension of the period of continued payment of wages by the employer in the event of disability, increase of the general old age pensions (AOV) payments, increase of the AOV age and its link to life expectancy.

The reports can be read here. The various reports relate to the bottlenecks in the current system (sub-report 1), proposals for a new system (sub-report 2), the financial effects of the proposals (sub-report 3), the feasibility and implementation of the proposals (sub-report 4) and the integration with proposals for the labor market (sub-report 5).

Categorieën: Bulletins